Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

Mount Slamet 3432 m above sea level

Mount Slamet is the highest mountain (3432 M) in Central Java, as well known for its height, the mountain located in the northern town of Navan and Purbalingga west of the town also has several hot springs, one of which is a place of recreation Baturaden (purwokerto). To reach the top slamet, there are several climbing routes that can be taken include: Bambangan (back east) Baturaden (back south) Kaliwadas (back west)
From some of the existing climbing routes, Blambangan is the route taken by most climbers, as well as a fairly safe route, there is a complete panorama, from the natural scenery that stretches eastward to the area Banjarnegara, too many wild monkeys can be found en route to the top slamet. Only the time needed to reach the peak is not as fast track Baturaden.
The journey begins from the town of Navan. From here the author towards the area called Serayu (north bobotsari), using the bus to the city and Pemalang, with about 45 minutes journey we reached the Serayu and continue the journey to meratin. There is only one available transport of rural transportation with pickup vehicle to be able to meratin before it finally reached the Bambangan. For a note on the mountain is also almost no flowing springs encountered during the trip, so it is advisable to bring enough drinking water for the ascent. Blambangan is the last village and is the gateway to climb to the summit slamet and this is where the climbers returned to check equipment. After completing the administration here, climb to the top of Mount Slamet started. Although the mountain is the highest altitude but it does not really feel at the time of the trip, because the climbing area that is still virgin forest seemed to forget that was climbing the highest mountain in Central Java. Coupled with the distinctive sound of animals and the appearance of a little monkey whose numbers do not make the trip more interesting. To reach the top slamet takes between 8-15 hours in normal circumstances. Lush forests will be lost when it came to the place called Sanghyang Rangkah, and replaced with bushes and occasional trees encountered typical climber or tree climber eidelweis and specific fruit (strawberry).
Bush - a beautiful shrub will also suddenly disappears without a trace when it reached the Pelawangan (mace = door) or the door leading to the top slamet. The trip will be more interesting and also dangerous when we go through this Pelawangan. Besides just sand and rock climbing and an increasingly larger angles even at a glance like climbing a cliff, in this area is very prone to accidents because there's only left-right gap and no single tree for a handle. It is advisable for beginners to be extra careful in this area climb, even for a particular condition should be while crawling, because the footing we can suddenly collapse, because the field is the path traversed sandy and very susceptible to landslides, in this area is also sometimes Sometimes there are storms and dangers of a folded mountain if the mountain storm comes, therefore, recommended that this area also climbed during the morning.
With this Pelawangan region passes the climbers will find the terrain that is not so big and there is no longer a higher area or in other words climbers reached the summit slamet. A feeling both proud and touched when the author was in the highest peak in Central Java for about 15 minutes. A sight hard to imagine that lies around the writer's eyes. Starting from the lip of the crater that is still very active until the peak of Mount Suumbing which was situated about 100 km east of Mount Slamet clearly visible and how beautiful God's creation. And one lesson that the authors find that it turns out humans are very small in front of the Almighty. 

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