Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

Edelweiss Story

Of all the varieties of Edelweiss (Edelweiss) and their close relatives in the family Antennaria, in North America, Leontopodium alpinum is the most beautiful and sought after in the World.
Leontopodium or foot Lion, is a plant originally from Asia Steppe. Found there in more than 30 forms, as well as adaptation to climate extremes. Fibrous roots are deep and feels like a cover to protect the leaves from the drought, damage from wind and sun damage
Alpine Edelweiss, which in German means noble and white, found generally at an altitude of 1,700 meters than 2,700 meters. Edelweiss prefers loose soil with good drainage, where he was seen to form a mat herb, which grows from 8 cm to 20 cm. Edelweiss Flower classified as short-lived perennials, which after they are picked over several growing seasons from the same plant, can not reproduce by seed and will disappear from the area previously established. It is known that the edelweiss (leontopodium alpinum) is one of Europe's finest mountain flower, which belongs to the sunflower family (the name comes from German asteraceae. Edel (noble) and Weiss (white). The scientific name, leontopodium means "foot of a lion", derived from derivative of the Greek word leon (lion) and podion (summarized Pou, feet). Edelweiss flower stems can grow to a size of 30-20 cm (in breeding, to 40 cm). foliage appeared not clear because the dressing white fur. interest felt and it is not clear with white fur, with nature interest consists of five to six small yellow flower heads (5 mm) terapit with star-shaped leaflets. flowering between July and September. 
By varying the spread and more like the limestone at an altitude of 2000-2900 m. non-toxic, and has been used traditionally in folk medicine as a cure stomach ailments and diseases associated with breathing. Edelweiss is a protected plant in many countries, including Bulgaria, Croatia, Switzerland, France, Italy, Germany, Spain (national park ordesa), Slovakia (tatra national park), Slovenia (in Gorizia and Gradisca since 1896, in Carniola since 1898), Austria (since 1886) and Romania (since 1933). Usually grows in inaccessible places, so why are associated in many areas on the slopes of the Alps. The color white is considered a symbol of purity, and adhere to the Latin as well as Greek, floarea reginei (Flower Queen). Edelweiss flower in ancient times sought by men who want to prove their courage. because the flowers grow so tall and often on steep cliff sides and in dangerous areas many people are known injured, or even teaws in pursuit of this flower, which preceded many men wear this lapel badge as a kind of homage. , In fact, edelweiss flower, is favoritkaisar Austria Franz Joseph and his wife, the empress elizabeth also states this authority. Edelweiss become very popular among climbers, thus government austria, germany and swiss act melindunginyadi certain parts of the alpine mountains. edelweiss growing today many continents. He became even more famous in 1960 when a song called knowledge edelweiss in stage plays and films, Sound of music to sing with a dignified and beautiful. For mountain climbers, edelweiss flower prove he had climbed a high mountain. meanwhile, for someone who in the fuck, edelweiss is a highly symbolic that he will climb and travel distance to prove their love for the other 

Edelweiss flower extract
Edelweiss flower nectars taken from the edelweiss flower, for centuries have believed edelweiss extract had positive health effects. The already famous edelweiss edelweiss diektak best use of the hot milk, often sweetened with madu.Buang waste of water and dysentery are two ailments are believed to be cured with edelweiss extract. people also believe that can help to reduce diseases such as esophageal disease and tuberculosis. Today research by the pharmaceutical industry indicates that there is something to these ancient beliefs. Used in high-quality anti-aging and anti-cosmetic products to reduce wrinkles.  

Edelweiss extract is a medicinal traditions of ancient folk heritage which modern science is making popular once again. They have also found that ultraviolet light absorbing chemicals this plant has been built from a height makes this a good sitip prevention sunlight. Drug researchers are also interested in how chemistry of this plant will prevent the enlargement of oxides, which are related to the aging process itself. The future looks bright edelweiss extract research as the sun slopes of the Alps and fame edelweiss extract as an ingredient of high quality cosmetics means the plant will remain popular for years to come. 

Edelweiss in Indonesia
"Edelweiss can last 25 years. The color may change but the rest of the beautiful flowers," at several locations edelweiss protected species, and take it freely is a ban. 

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