Jumat, 22 Juni 2012


Whether you’re strolling on glacier, groveling up an icy chimney or redpointing a sketchy mixed route, crampons are an essential connection between you and the frozen medium. Crampons need to be both high performance for solid, confidence-inspiring purchase on ice, snow and rock, and durable to withstand years of rough treatment.
Performance: The horizontal structure of the frame brings the boot sole as close to the crampon as possible for increased sensitivity and precision. The number, length and position of the points have been designed to insure optimal strength and purchase on ice, snow and rock.
Durability: The steel Petzl uses for its crampons is specially selected for its durability and strength characteristics. Using such high quality steel allows the crampons to be as light as possible without sacrificing strength. A special electroplating process is applied to the crampons to increase durability and maximize showshedding characteristics.
Fit and adjustment: With five types of binding system to choose from, it is easy to get the right fit no matter what type of boot you are using: from thick welts to thin welts to no welts at all. The linking bar can be adjusted to the half-size without tools.
Durable, bi-density polymer ANTISNOW plates are included on all crampons to help prevent snow balling in almost all snow conditions.

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Rabu, 30 November 2011

Tuberose flowers night

Tuberose flowers night

(Flowers Tuberose night, sources: kompas.com)

Flowers that have Polianthes tuberose is the Latin name, butbeautiful as an ornamental plant, it also has a fragrant aroma. I was so fragrant, savory oil of evening flowers are used as one of the raw material for making perfume.Not only in Indonesia, but this flower is also known in various countries, such as:In India, where the flower is named ratkirani, which means "queen of the night".In Singapore, where the flower is named xinxiao, which means"place of moths perch".In Iran, where the flower is named maryam, a name commonlyused by girls.The origin of this flower, it is estimated is from Mexico.These plants can grow and grow to as high as 45 cm, with whiteflowers and shaped like a clump. With a light green leaf color.This flower is called a pleasant evening because it could evolvein the evening, as he smelled fragrant scent.Tuberose flower blooms not in unison, but rather a sequence offlowers the very bottom, then follow-kumtum flower buds on itsequentially.Freshness of Tuberose flower tonight, can last for up to 5 up to 10 days, therefore, many who like to use this plant as an ornamentalflower vase filler.Tuberose plants has been widely cultivated, and carried out by means of vegetative propagation through tubers.

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Let us learn to predict, forecast, predict, forecast the weather a few moments ahead:
1. Predicting Weather Conditions With Viewing the Sun- In case when the sunrise has dark red color with dark clouds then it is likely going to rain. If light with full light then chances are it's sunny.- If when the sun sets bright yellow and orange color underneath, then chances are it will rain. Rain also may be dropped if the color is pale yellow.
2. Predicting Weather By Month Viewing Conditions- If the moon shines very bright, it means signifies good weather with sunny alias.- If many clouds that blanketed the month there is a possibility it will rain.- If there is a light circle around the moon there may be a change in the weather.
3. Predicting Weather By Looking Cloud Conditions- If when there are cumulus clouds or clouds that round like a mountain covered with snow weather was hot, then it will likely rain.- If there are clouds or cloud-like sirrus procession clouds of very high cloud is located, then it will likely rain.
4. Predicting Weather With Viewing Wind Conditions- If there are weak winds from the north or east the weather is likely to happen either, but if it came from the west or southwest, the possibility of rain or drizzle will arrive.- If the wind turns clockwise, then the possibility of good weather.Whereas if the direction of rotation of the wind rotates counter-clockwise will likely rain.
5. Predicting Weather With Fog Viewing Conditions- If the fog like clouds then it agglomerate sunny weather might be good.- If there is a mountain fog will likely be no rain, but if the fog of the valley about the possibility the weather will be sunny.- Weather cloudy / foggy in the morning that looks increasingly bright, then it probably will continue to sunny weather.
6. Predicting Weather With Seeing Smoke Conditions- If we burn something with billowing smoke towering into the sky, the chances of fine weather.- When the smoke produced from burning quickly fade and disappear, as well as its direction slightly inclined downwards, it is likely it will rain wet the surface of the earth.
Good luck learning kamampuan predict the weather with your own.

By Unknown with No comments

Jumat, 30 September 2011

Good Adventure

In conducting activities in the wild open we should be able to properly manage all related to the activity itself. This we do so we can go either way, maybe even without a hitch. Some important things to consider, among others; 

Is anything that we prepared before, during and after an open outdoor activities. With this activity would be enjoyed by both the people who participate in these activities. The things including; 

- Site selection 

Although we may never have the place to be designated, should we collect information about the place, either through friends or study literature obtained from existing information media (magazines, internet etc) 
- Map 
It would be better if we can get maps, minimal topographic location. at least we have a picture of the geographical conditions. 
- Licensing 
This is done to provide information to local officials, if we are in the works. Moreover, if we know it better when we get out of its territory. 
- Physical 
With physical and mental condition is more ready, will memermudah we perform an activity in the wild open. Moreover, if we often exercise that supports these outdoor activities such as jogging, cycling and others. 
- Understanding Location 
By obtaining data on the natural conditions of the location where we are headed, at least we can tailor what equipment we will carry. 
- Checking the Equipment 
It's important to do before we will do an activity. do not let the equipment that we carry even totally useless because it is damaged, or simply burdensome course.
EQUIPMENT Equipment worth individuals or groups adapted to the terrain that we will use, this will help us in wearing it. Equipment itself is divided up; Basic equipment - Equipment Movement Are the types of equipment while moving diapakai used by our bodies. Such as shoes, backpacks, shirts, pants field, jacket, Raincoat and so on - Sleep Equipment Are the types of equipment used when we rest / sleep in a place, among others, tent, sleeping bag, mattress and other woods. - Cooking Equipment Cooking equipment is a vital equipment, more so if the activity takes longer. Among others; field stove, plates, cups, spoons and other woods. Special Equipment Is a variety of equipment intended for outdoor activities are more specialized, such as climbing a cliff, then we bring the equipment will be added to the rock climbing equipment. Or other adventure sports, such as searching caves, rafting, research and so on. Additional equipment Additional equipment is the type of tools that can support the basic tools for both individuals or groups. Among others; Hammock, Gaiters, Headlamp, Balaclava, Flysheet and others. * Clothing Clothing itself is divided up; base layer, for example made of polar materials (thermal underwear) is quite thin (eg; longjhon) the second layer; made of a mixture or combination of nylon and polyester. The third layer; is generally thin and lightweight jacket without a head covering. Commonly called the Fleece. The fourth layer; made of shell garment. These materials exist that can withstand wind, but impermeable to water, there is wind and water-tight, some are able to withstand wind and water, but can remove the air that is between the body and usually a jacket or garment samples made Waterfroop breathable Gore-Tex material is .
Fleece Jacket, Gore-Tex Jacket 

* Shoes This type of shoe is based on field sails can be divided up;
  • Light Hiker / Trail Boots. Having soles lighter, made from a combination of leather and synthetic materials, suitable for trips taken within a day (one-day trips) 
  • Off Trail Boots. generally made of leather, has a rather high and the protective rights angkel feet (angkle support) 
  • Rough Trail. Slightly higher, generally for long trips (long trips) 
  • Double Boots. Is the type of shoes that used to climb mountains of ice. Have shaped almost like a layer in the shoe, but without rights. 

Trail Off Trail Boot Boots
Double Boot Mountaineering Boot * Backpack / Pack Equipment is very vital in activism in the wild open. Should choose a backpack that guaranteed his power, either from the material or stitching. Things that are considered separately to determine whether or not a backpack / keril among others;

  • Fit or match the body 
  • Have a good waist belt design 
  • Arch shape can be adjusted (adjustable) 
  • The frame is lightweight but strong 
  • Capacity 
  • Materials are lightweight yet strong 

* Sleeping Bag / Sleeping Bag Not everything is a thick sleeping bag can provide warmth, because it also depends on the materials used to make and shape. Some things to consider in choosing a good SB, among others;

  • Fitted with a body 
  • Lightweight yet powerful 
  • Having an adjustable headgear 
  • Has a zipper (zip) two-way 
  • Behind the insulation coating has a zipper itself (drough tube) to enable the wind can not enter from the zipper. 

* Tents A good tent that does not mean he is expensive. Although tents are expensive tend to be good, not guarantees. It depends can not we use it and care for her. A good tent is;
  • Are easily established 
  • Outer layer (flyshhet / cover) waterproof 
  • The inside is not waterproof, but able to release the air (condensation) from inside the tent 
  • Have adequate space and weight proportional to the ratio 
  • Having a layer of netting on doors and windows 
  • Porch (vestibule) is wide enough 
  • Well ventilated 
  • Not too high, up to withstand wind gusts 

(Open the Basic Mountaineering articles about Tents)
* Field Stove / Stove Stove made overseas does not guarantee a good stove.Bukannnya But sometimes there can not be used outside a few stove fuel can not be found here. the types of stoves based on the terrain of the field;
High Altitude Mountaineering Stove Is the type of stove is generally used in field ice field

  • Multy Fuel Stove. Tube with a separate burner heads, white gasoline, oil or kerosene soil (MSR) 
  • Dual Fuel Stove. Fused with the head of the burner tubes, gasoline or gasoline-fueled white 

multy fuel stove 

High Altitude Non Stove
  • Kerosine Stove. Petromak lamp shaped like a tube, with a fused head and tubes, fuel kerosene 
  • Stove butane. The tube there is a removable and there is not.made from the existing gas in the tube (Camping Gaz) 
  • Espit Stove. Paraffin-fueled 
  • Alcohol Stove. Methylated-fueled, alcohol or white gas (Trangia) 
  • White Gas Stove. Made from gas cans (Butane canister). Tube and burner (combustion chamber) separated 
  • Light Weight Stove. Made from gas cans (Butane canister). Where the tube connected to the burner through a hose 



Election logistics or the right food is also an important stage for an activity to be implemented going well. It is also an equally important step in travel management. In choosing the logistics should note a few things, among others;

  • Running time 
  • Food shelf life 
  • Membership 
  • Areas in go 
  • Circumstances surrounding communities 
  • Type climbing 
  • Weight 
  • Taste

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